Tuesday 19 November 2013

First Editing Cut

Today we constructed our first cut for our music video sequence using Adobe Premier. So far we haven't quite completed the sequence and aren't completely satisfied with the order or style we've created so far, however this is only a first cut and it is necessary for us to feel that way about it so that we can proceed to improve on it until we are satisfied with the results and can publish it as our final. We hope to get feedback from some of our friends as they will act as our audience for our first cut; we will be producing questionnaires so that we can get an understanding of what they believe is good or needs improving so far.

Possible Questions:

  • How far does the style of the video match the song?
  • What did you enjoy about the video and why?
  • What do you think needs improving on the video and why?
  • What sort of video would you recommend to influence our own?

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