Wednesday 20 November 2013

Ariel Levy: Female Chauvinist Pigs; Women and the rise off raunch culture

The mainstream video artist that i chose was Rihanna. Rihanna is a prime example of an artist that, over the years has changed how she performed in her videos. In one of Rihanna's earlier videos it shows her being very tame. I say this because there is not much skin on show from anyone, however this may be because of the setting of the video with it being in a club.

This is an earlier video of Rihanna's that is called Dont stop the music. In this video it shows that she is challenging Levy's idea that women are just being portrayed as people that just show lots of skin in a video. However this video is four years old and the culture back then may not be how it is now.

In some of Rihanna's recent videos she is shown in a very provocative manor. This is conforming with Levy's theory that women are being made to change into this sexual looking being. A video that has just been released from Rihanna is Pour it up. This is an explicit that is not aloud to shown on TV because it is too explicit.

This is the pour it up video and throughout Rihanna and all the other performers are wearing very little. However, it is seen to be the normal in most music videos to see half naked women acting very provocatively. Even though some people think that for her to be acting in that way is wrong, however it will get people talking about it even if it for the wrong reason and any publicity is good publicity.

Overall, I do agree with Levy that more and more artists are being pushed down this road of having to perform with hardly any clothes on but also I believe that it is also the artists choice if they want to do it or not.

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