Wednesday 18 December 2013

Josh Flowers - My Role In The Group

My part in the group is mainly being the editor for our video; using Adobe Premiere I will cut and edit our footage together in order to create the final cut for our music video. Not only will I be editing our video, but I will also be playing one of the roles within the music video, my character is supposedly the 'Protagonist' in the narrative for our video. For the editing, I plan to focus mainly on using the 'beat match' technique since our chosen song has no vocals at all, there won't be any lip syncing throughout the sequence. To prepare for this, I have been practising at home by creating short 'beat matching' videos using random footage and songs of my own interest. Below is one example of a short 'Beat Match' video I made and uploaded to YouTube title "CGI Dubstep" which features randomly selected CGI video game trailers synchronized/beat matched with the song "La Roux - In For The Kill (Skream Remix)", I chose this song because it is a similar genre song to our chosen song for our music video and fits under the same genre of Liquid/Electronic.  

My main inspiration for creating this video and others at home was another editor who has been creating videos in the same style as the one above for a few years now known as 'SaladUK', however he works across multiple genres of electronic music such as Dubstep, Liquid, Drum & Bass, Brostep, Hip-hop  and more. SaladUK uses many different clips of footage from all sorts of contents such big blockbuster movies, cartoons, tv shows etc, he then re-edits them to synchronize/beat match with the song of his choice. I have been a fan of his work for almost three years and have been trying to create videos in this same style within that period of time, however my videos are never quite as perfected or as popular as his so I rarely bother to upload them. To get a sense of what SaladUK truly does, I have placed a video below which includes all of SaladUK's most popular content from 2012 all cut into a short Show-reel. As you can see my and his techniques used in the videos below and above are very similar however the styles are very different as I like to make my videos more slow paces and immersing, whereas SaladUK makes his a lot more wild in attempt to put his audiences in awe. To see more of my own home videos or more of SaladUK's videos, you can simply click on the publisher's YouTube channels from the videos I have included in this post, (Mine being "Bass Junki" and SaladUK's being "SaladUK"

After featuring in the music video filming process for my performance as the 'Protagonist Character', I began to use my editing skills (that I honed at home to increase my knowledge and experience with the 'Match Beating' technique) on our actual video. At first it really did seem like a challenge to make our simple footage all beat match with our rather complex electronic track; however I began to play around with a few techniques I had learnt at home such as using Jump Cuts, Cross-cutting, Slow motion, Fast motion and cutting to black. All of these techniques proved useful in order to make our simple footage look a lot nicer and beat match very well along with our track; I also decided to put the video into black and white to make our video seem more mysterious and unique and I added more contrast to increase the shadows and light within the frames making them seem a lot more textured and eye catching. My methods did prove to be very time consuming and in fact I spent much more time editing than we had spent on anything else during the production of our project; in retrospect I think I spent far too long focusing on clip for clip and how to make it beat match instead of editing the video as a whole, I did it bit by bit which although helped me to get the best results out of each shot, it did waste a lot of time and resulted in me not being able to spend enough time on the ending for the video which is my only regret about or project. Other than the ending though, I was extremely satisfied with the video as a whole, especially my contribution as the Editor and actor, even our employee Boca-J himself was amazed by the outcome of our video, and I received much more positive comments from friends also. So I do believe my role was a key factor in achieving the results we did, however as a group we co-operated perfectly and I wouldn't have been able to produce anything like this by myself, so I believe we all did a great job and produced a very good music video that both used and challenged multiple Mainstream Music Video Conventions.

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