Friday 20 December 2013

Feedback for first cut

After the completion of our first cut I asked some people of similar ages of our group members as they are the targeted age of the track, their opinions and feedback of the first cut.

What did you think of the mise en scene?

- I thought that the mise en scene was very different to the music videos I see on television because it doesn't have lyrics and the characters seem like they are upset and even depressed at times.

- I think that the mise en scene fitted rather well with the sound track, as it doesn't have lyrics, yet the actions of the character help to create and show the emotions released by from the song.

- The mise en scene created a very unusual style and message as it was a consistency of characters walking through woods and are breaking sticks and smoking, seems like it is trying to convey teenage and young adult issues.

- It is a very interesting mise en scene as the audience can have different views on the video as well as the soundtrack, the characters enable to give a certain and direct message of anger and sadness.

Are there any particular camera shots you think worked well?

- I liked the panning shot of the river and trees, which helped to create a sense of a peaceful environment, giving a contrast of feelings such as peacefulness, anger and, depression.

- I like the close up of the characters as it introduces the characters and enables for more clarity of them for the audience, to say these are the characters in the video.

- I liked the slow motion of when one of the characters breaks a stick against the tree as you can view the small pieces flying everywhere. I think that this shot shows more in depth of this characters choice of aiding his anger, by damaging other trees.

- I liked the long and high shots of the character walking, as it creates a diverse shot for the video of where the mise en scene is located, however the image is slightly limited as there are branches and leaves int the way which also looks good, providing a sense of rare glimpses of the mysterious character.

What specific editing do you think worked well?

- The cutting of the video is good as it provided immediate imagery of the location and the characters, however it is too consistent, I think that fades could be used for the environment and characters to bridge.

- The way the cutting fits in with the drop of the beat works well, creating the full impact of the drop. I think that in the areas of the track where the beat stutter, there could be multiple images going back and fourth like a split second montage/ glitch effect.

- I liked how the cuts enable for the varying shots to be viewed and then cutting to relevant yet strange shots such as characters appearing from no where, however drawback can include, that there are limiting shots.

- I liked the way the video has been structured in an organized way as the characters and locations work well together, as the editing provides many cuts and shots of the video.

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