Wednesday 2 October 2013

Music Video Analysis - Shot List:

Flight Facilities - Clair De Lune (feat. Christine Hoberg)

  1. (0:00 - 0:09) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Moves from left to right - Fade in from black - Introduces setting - Shows point of view movement of the car 
  2. (0:09 - 0:17) - Mid-angle - Close up shot -Cross-fade Transition - Character eye level - Introduces character and the car 
  3. (0:17 - 0:28) - Low angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Tracking shot - synthesizer is introduced  - Lens flares synchronizes with the music
  4. (0:28 - 0:31) - High angle - Close up shot - Cross-fade transition - Lighting synchronizes with the music subtly 
  5. (0:31 - 0:35) - High angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Vocals are introduced - Lighting synchronization theme continues
  6. (0:35 - 0:40) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Reaction shot
  7. (0:40 - 0:43) - High angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Shows character dialogue through phone  
  8. (0:43 - 0:46) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Vocals become louder - Introduces second female protagonist 
  9. (0:46 - 0:52) - Close up shot - Cut transition - Camera pans along character's arms - Jump cut - Shows characters engaging in conversation 
  10. (0:52 - 0:54) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition 
  11. (0:54 - 0:57) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition 
  12. (0:57 - 1:00) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Shows character's exit 
  13. (1:00 - 1:05) - High angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Reaction shot
  14. (1:05 - 1:09) - Low angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Cross-fade transition - Tracking shot - Movement shows the characters are in a car -Lens flares synchronizes with music
  15. (1:09 - 1:13) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Shows character driving 
  16. (1:13 - 1:16) - Low angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Cut to black - Tracking shot - Shows the progression of the car
  17. (1:16 - 1:19) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Fade in from black - Camera moves from right to left - Continues to show the movement of the car as though it's a recurring theme
  18. (1:19 - 1:24) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Shows the car progressing from right to left
  19. (1:24 - 1:30) - Close up shot - Cut transition - Tracking shot - Tracks the drink in Female #2's hand
  20. (1:30 - 1:31) - High angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - First shot capturing both Female character's together  
  21. (1:32 - 1:34) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Character's hand movement suggests she's nervous 
  22. (1:34 - 1:38) - Mid-angle - Close up shot - Cut transition - Shows character lip syncing
  23. (1:38 - 1:42) - Tracking shot - Close up shot - Cut transition - Tracks the ketchup in the girl's hands, showing they're having a meal together  
  24. (1:42 - 1:45) - Medium shot - Cut Transition - Tracking shot - Show's characters eating together
  25. (1:45 - 1:48) - Mid-angle - Close up Shot - Cut transition - Show's character's positive expressions
  26. (1:48 - 1:50) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Show's character conversing/bonding 
  27. (1:50 - 1:52) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Cut transition 
  28. (1:52 - 1:54) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Cut transitions - Show's characters walking off together
  29. (1:54 - 1:55) - Low angle - Close up shot - Cut transitions - Shows female #2 stealing cigarettes, which changes her persona instantly
  30. (1:55 - 1:57) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Cut transition 
  31. (1:57 - 2:00) - Mid-angle - Medium shot - Cut transition - Camera moves from left to right - Show's progression of the car as the characters "escape" the area 

After looking at the different shot and editing types within this music video, i've noticed there are a lot of techniques that the director seems to be fond of using more than once and uses them like a sort of recurring theme. For example: the lens flares and lights within this video are quite regularly captured to synchronise with the synthesised part of the soundtrack by changing form through motion or brightness   allowing for the video to easily match with the music.  

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