Thursday 17 October 2013

Mise en Scene

Mise En Scene

For the mise en scene of our video we will have ourselves as the main characters and try to create an unusual story with the actions we do and what is actually viewed/ expected to be viewed as.

For our message in the video we are going to create an unusual character or protector in the forests, where the teenagers will be chilling, breaking, damaging the environment, as they are being watched/ followed by the protector. 

The costumes we are going to have will be consisting of our ordinary clothing, making us seem like an average stereotype of teenagers with similar fashion styles, which are: t-shirts, cardigans, long sleeves, shirts, jeans, trousers, trainers, sneakers and accessories like caps could be included to give out the urban theme. we may also have some additional pieces such as the mask on the protector character, to conceal part of his face and to be a questionable piece of equipment, such as a reference to The Dark Knight Rises, as Bane the antagonist wears the mask which is questioned in the film. 

The setting will take place in a park/ forested area including scenery of trees, paths, river/ water, mud, rain and nature. We would like to include themes of nature of how it is and how it is treated by humans. We are going to make the scenery look interesting by the camera angles we shoot, which will vary for the mise en scene and we will use a black and white filters to make it look more interesting. 

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