Thursday 3 October 2013

Influencing Styles

Editing Styles

Throughout the music genre which we are focusing on (Electro/Liquid) there seems to be a common convention of fast paced cuts and variation of shots, I believe this is to keep the audience focused as there are minimal vocals. The variation of editing styles including overlays, slow-motion, and fast paced cuts on the beat.
XXYYXX- About you

This video has influenced us using slow-monition and the use of smoke also props within mise-en-scene to make our video more interesting the the audience.

Chris Brown- Deuces

Within this video the use of silhouettes is very interesting framing the person within most shots

The establishment of this shot can be described with the elements of Chiaroscuro, as there is a bright background, the characters being infront of the light, forming silhouettes of them.

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