Thursday 12 September 2013

Construction of a Star - 50 Cent

50 Cent stands out from all other rappers because he is not only a highly successful artist but he is a very successful businessman.

Being a businessman and an artist, 50 Cent brings his own attitude towards rap in the music industry, with a confident and an ambitious tone. It could also be his upbringing of a poor childhood making his way to the top with the highest rappers in the industries.

One of his present day businesses enable his USP to expand by following the trend of music artists releasing their own head/ earphones. The SMS Studio are 50's signature brand, rivalling Dr Dre's Beats. 50 Cent has also had two video games based on violence and him being the main character, however the game is not related to his life, which could change peoples/ fans view on himself.

50 Cent's ideology can be easily understood and recognised through his music, work and what he does outside of his work.

Through his music and the choreography within it, we could say that he is successful and that he is "showing off" possibly to encourage his fans and even to shove it in the faces of his rivals/ competition.

It could be said that 50 Cent conforms to being ideal by the way he raps, dresses and acts. However over the period of his career, he may have expanded and introduced a new persona to the ideal world of rap/ hip hop by changing his music to a more positive tone, dressing more formally and by becoming more than just an ordinary rapper and moving onto becoming a successful businessman.

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