Monday 16 September 2013

Analysis using Goodwin's conventions of a music video

Lyrics and visuals:

This song doesn't actually have any lyrics, however, the genre of the song relates to the visuals that we see. Throughout the video we hear a constant beat like a ticking clock, this links with the visuals because the main character in the video is carrying a clock round with him at all times in his hand. Also, the fast beat of the track is amplified with the fire and fast dancing that we see.

Particular music genres have their own style:
This is house music and it is set in the type of place that you would expect, it is set in an abandoned factory which gives the impression that they are not supposed to be there. Many house music videos are very abstract. I'm not to sure why this is, however it seems to work very well. This is the feel that we want to give our music video, by making it very abstract and different to a conventional video.

Visual motif:
In this video we don't actually see the star themselves, we only see actors, but throughout there is one main character that is the centre of attention. Smoke is a main thing in this video which gives a great affect. This is what we wanted to do with our video because if done correctly the music video will have  a unique affect that no one else has used.

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