Thursday 19 September 2013

Marking Criteria for Coursework

Level 4 Planning:

  • Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed.
  • There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience. 
  • There is excellent work on shot lists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding. 
  • There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
  • Time management is excellent.
  • There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.
  • There are excellent communication skills.
  • There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
Level 4 Video:

  • Shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to mise en scene. 
  • Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects.
  • Recording and editing sound with images appropriately.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Using lighting and exposure testing

Stills- These are images from our testing shots using different exposure balance and use of light. We tried different movements and angles to achieve the best result. Using lighting to show half a persons face to give a dark mood also adding suspense, although we may not use lighting to this extent in our video this has shown us how to get different styles and a completely alternative to shooting normally. The use of smoke is an influence from other artists therefore we have taken this and put it into our persecutive for our music video.

Monday 16 September 2013

Using two different images, we used one photo as a texture for another image, Overlaying images influences us to use these within our Digi pack and Magazine advert. This is done using Photoshop to combine two images together.

Analysis using Goodwin's conventions of a music video

Lyrics and visuals:

This song doesn't actually have any lyrics, however, the genre of the song relates to the visuals that we see. Throughout the video we hear a constant beat like a ticking clock, this links with the visuals because the main character in the video is carrying a clock round with him at all times in his hand. Also, the fast beat of the track is amplified with the fire and fast dancing that we see.

Particular music genres have their own style:
This is house music and it is set in the type of place that you would expect, it is set in an abandoned factory which gives the impression that they are not supposed to be there. Many house music videos are very abstract. I'm not to sure why this is, however it seems to work very well. This is the feel that we want to give our music video, by making it very abstract and different to a conventional video.

Visual motif:
In this video we don't actually see the star themselves, we only see actors, but throughout there is one main character that is the centre of attention. Smoke is a main thing in this video which gives a great affect. This is what we wanted to do with our video because if done correctly the music video will have  a unique affect that no one else has used.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Construction of a Star - 50 Cent

50 Cent stands out from all other rappers because he is not only a highly successful artist but he is a very successful businessman.

Being a businessman and an artist, 50 Cent brings his own attitude towards rap in the music industry, with a confident and an ambitious tone. It could also be his upbringing of a poor childhood making his way to the top with the highest rappers in the industries.

One of his present day businesses enable his USP to expand by following the trend of music artists releasing their own head/ earphones. The SMS Studio are 50's signature brand, rivalling Dr Dre's Beats. 50 Cent has also had two video games based on violence and him being the main character, however the game is not related to his life, which could change peoples/ fans view on himself.

50 Cent's ideology can be easily understood and recognised through his music, work and what he does outside of his work.

Through his music and the choreography within it, we could say that he is successful and that he is "showing off" possibly to encourage his fans and even to shove it in the faces of his rivals/ competition.

It could be said that 50 Cent conforms to being ideal by the way he raps, dresses and acts. However over the period of his career, he may have expanded and introduced a new persona to the ideal world of rap/ hip hop by changing his music to a more positive tone, dressing more formally and by becoming more than just an ordinary rapper and moving onto becoming a successful businessman.

Daft Punk

USP- Within all they're music videos they always wear helmets and other distinctive clothing. This stands out and is used as an icon within they're music videos. They share a joint retro/robot themed persona's which they use both in live performances and for self promotion; this makes the duo a very recognisable act and relatable to most retro electronic themed media such as the movie Tron, both stars made an appearance in the film playing themselves and composed most of the music.

Album cover analysis 

Font - The italic writing almost looking like a signature, which shows their informal approach to marketing their album to their fans and may add to representing their informal style of genre. 

Background - The background is completely black, which enables the subject and font of the photo to stand out and catch the audiences eye easily.

Colours - The colours of the helmets are both either black and gold or black and silver, both colours are relatable to metal, giving them a robot/techno appearance which matches their music genre.

Expression - There is no expression to the helmets, which again adds to the robot-like aspects of the stars.

Lighting - Both the helmets are very shiny and bright, showing that they're both stars as if they're in the spotlight of the album cover.

Costume - The costumes of the Duo are very unique and stand out from most artists, this shows their significant genre (electronic/funk). Within the album cover there are two figures